That’s the bell marking the end of the 2024 tax season (with a few exceptions).
Yes, we’re pretty whipped over here at Rejoice Tax Resolution, LLC. Every tax season brings its own challenges, and there were definitely a few for us in the 2024 tax season.
But… even though we’re tired and had some yank-our-hair-out moments, we stand with Brian’s sentiments here:

YOU are what we’re remembering here at the end of the 2024 tax season, after an un-ending “stack” of forms and weeks where sleep was scarce. We do this because we want to serve you and do the best by you. And I just want to say…
THANK YOU for your trust.
Putting your family’s delicate financial details in our hands is no small matter. It can be really uncomfortable to give that level of trust to someone who isn’t a loved one. That’s why we work so hard to be Columbia, SC professionals that you can trust to understand, to come alongside, to advise, and to help.
Part of the way we do that is with these weekly articles I post (even when I’m slammed with client work). And it’s why my team and I make sure to stay up-to-date on the tax code and the regulatory changes that are part of our everyday existence (our government sure does like to keep us on our toes).
We take your trust in us — to look out for you and keep you compliant while paying only what you absolutely have to pay on your taxes — very seriously. THANK YOU for it and for your business.
This work brings with it a certain joy. Because even when we were working through those 2024 tax season challenges, we also got to see remarkable lives of generosity, love, and integrity laid out before us with regularity. For some, this was reflected by their financial statements — and for others, this was displayed by the warmth, kindness and delight by which you communicated with us during the 2024 tax season.
So again, THANK YOU.
Two things that would really help us out around here…
A) Share your experience with us for other Richland County friends to know about in the future. Google is the place where a lot of people find out about our services, and your words there would mean a great deal. Reviews help Columbia, SC people to know we’re someone they can trust.
Make us smile with a review on Google
(And if for some reason you weren’t satisfied with our service, please reach out personally with a call or an email. Every experience matters to me. I will do everything within my power to make it right, and will make it a priority.)
B) Share about us on YOUR Facebook wall.
Here’s something we’ve written up that could help you know what to post (feel free to tweak as you like):
“I had my taxes prepared by Rejoice Tax Resolution, LLC, and had a great experience. And even now, they’re willing to review your tax return to make sure that everything was done right for you… Reach out to them here: and let them know I sent you.”
Or something like that… Thanks again!
I know this: No matter what state your life is in, NOBODY (not the IRS, not anyone) can take from you the strength that comes from a life marked by gratitude. And that’s why we wanted to take this week’s note to express ours.
What a privilege it has been to serve you this tax season. We look forward to years of service to come.
For now…

Get some rest,
Akuathayre Snell